Will there be Kerala School Holiday tomorrow on August 5 due to Rain?: As the Monsoons make landfall in the western coastal state of Kerala, several districts in the state have been receiving very heavy rainfall over the last several days. The state is expected to recieve heavy to extreme rainfall in the coming days, and as the IMD issues the warnings, the district authorities may announce holidays for the schools in light of the situation. Students will be able to find updates on "Will there be a Kerala School Holiday tomorrow on August 5 due to Rain?" here in a timely manner. If a holiday has been declared in the state, the students must stay at their homes, in safety and follow any instructions from the official sources. The district of Ernakulam, of which Kochi is a part, is expected to recieve relentless rain in today and tomorrow and water logging is expected to happen.
The relentless rain in the state has caused the rising of water levels in some its rivers and has caused flooding in some parts of the state. On July 30, the heavy monsoon rains that fell on the district of Wayanad caused one of the worst natural disasters in the history of the state at Chooralmala and Mundakkai in the form of 3 landslides. As the state is still grappling with the situation, other parts of the state have also been placed on high alert.
Also Check | Kerala School Holiday 5 August 2024 (Live): List of District Declared Holiday Due to Rain
Kerala School Holiday August 5 due to Rain: Check Recent Updates
Updates on "Will there be Kerala School Holiday tomorrow on August 5 due to Rain?:" are awaited. In the meantime here is the status of the rainfall in the state for August 4 and 3.
- On August 4, the districts of Kozhikode, Wayanad, Kannur, and Kasaragod are under yellow alert and are expected to receive heavy rainfall.
- As per the forecast by the IMD, most parts of Kerala are expected to have heavy rain accompanied by thundershowers till August 7.
- Many of the rivers in the state are overflowing and has caused flood-like situation in neighbouring areas. A few of the dams were opened in the last week as well.
- Several parts of the state are also expected to have windy weather. Fishermen have been warned against going off into the sea.
- Schools were closed in several districts in the state in the past week as the state received heavy rainfall
- As of August 4, all the districts in the state are under Yellow alert on August 5
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