BPSC 32nd Judicial Main 2023: The Bihar Publis Service Commission has extended the last date to submit the BPSC 32nd Judicial Application Form with Late Fee to tomorrow, Nov 8. The candidates who wish to apply for the exam can find the BPSC 32nd Judicial Main 2023 Registration Link at the official website: bpsc.bih.nic.in
The BPSC 32nd Judicial Main 2023 exam will be conducted from Nov 25 to 29, with 2 shifts every day covering a total of 10 papers. Candidates are advised to read the full notification for the exam before applying for it.
BPSC 32nd Judicial Main 2023: How to Apply By Paying Late Fee?
The steps to apply for the BPSC 32nd Judicial Main 2023 by paying a late fee is given below:
- Visit the official website of the BPSC: bpsc.bih.nic.in
- Click on the link for the "Apply Online" provided on the sidebar
- Proceed to the "BPSC Online Application"
- Login using the candidate's credentials
- Fill out the application form for the BPSC 32nd Judicial Main Exam 2023
- Make the payment of the application fee along with the late fee through the bank draft
- Submit the application form
To apply for BPSC 32nd Judicial Main 2023, general category candidates must pay a fee of INR 750 and an additional INR 750 as the late fee. For SC/ST, female, and PwD candidates from Bihar, the application fee is INR 200, and the late fee is INR 200. As for all other candidates, the application fee is INR 750, and the INR 750 is the late fee. If the late fee is not paid, the candidature will be canceled.