What is Upgradation after WBJEE Seat Allotment 2024?
Check what is Upgradation after WBJEE Seat Allotment 2024 and how can candidates upgrade their WBJEE Seat Allotment 2024.

What is Upgradation after WBJEE Seat Allotment 2024: The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board has released the WBJEE Seat Allotment Result for Round 1, which is now available on the official website - wbjeeb.nic.in. According to the WBJEE 2024 Counselling instructions, candidates who have secured seats but aren’t satisfied with the allotted seats can opt for upgradation. So, what is Upgradation after WBJEE Seat Allotment 2024?
Seat upgradation is an option given to those candidates who have secured seats in the WBJEE 2024 Seat Allotment Round 1 but want to explore better options in the further rounds. Candidates choosing the upgrade option can preserve their allotted seats and will also be eligible to participate in the further rounds of Seat Allotment. Candidates can check what is Upgradation after WBJEE Seat Allotment 2024 on this page in detail.
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What is Upgradation After WBJEE Seat Allotment 2024?
Upgradation is a process wherein a candidate who has been allotted a seat in a particular college in the first round of counselling can opt to apply for a better college in the subsequent rounds. Candidates can check the detailed information about the upgrade in the WBJEE Seat Allotment below.
- Candidates can opt for upgradation after accepting the current allotment.
- If the candidate fails to pay the seat acceptance fee, the current allotment will be cancelled, and the candidate will not be considered for seat allotment in the Upgradation Round.
- If the candidate fails to report for document verification, their current seat allotment will be cancelled automatically, and they will not be considered for seat allotment in the Upgradation Round.
- Candidates who have secured seats of their first choice must opt for NO Upgradation and complete the admission process. These candidates who secured their first seat choice cannot opt for upgradation.
- If the candidate opts for NO Upgradation and fails to complete the admission process, will lose the allotted seat and will be debarred from any seat allotment in any future round.
- Candidates who have been allotted the second preferred seat or later choices, then after successful document verification, can also opt for YES upgradation and not take admission in the 1st round. Such candidates will be considered for possible upgradation in 2nd round.
- After the seat allotment, candidates must choose between YES / NO Upgradation, or they will be debarred from any seat allotment in any future round.
- Candidates who have paid the seat acceptance fee, completed document verification, and opted for YES-upgradation in Round 1 are eligible for seat allotment in Round 2.
- If the upgrade has not been allotted, candidates may decide to take admission to the previously allotted seats.
- Candidates must note that if the seat is upgraded, the previously allotted seat will automatically be cancelled. This means that the upgrades cannot be reversed.
After the WBJEE Seat Allotment results are announced, candidates must submit the YES Upgradation or NO Upgradation form available on the official website.
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