Will there be Pune School Holiday on August 8 due to Rain?: The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has announced a forecast of heavy to veru heavy rainfall in the district of Pune in Maharashtra. As the rains may cause disruption of normal life in the state, the authorities may decide to declare a holiday for the schools. There has been no updates regarding "Will there be Pune School Holiday on August 8 due to Rain?" so far, although any such announcement is expected in the later part of the day. If the authorities declare a holiday for the educational institutions, the students must stay indoors in their homes, keep out of harms way and follow all instructions from the authorities.
Will there be Pune School Holiday on August 8 due to Rain?
As the updates on "Will there be Pune School Holiday on August 8 due to Rain?" are expected anytime soon, students can check the updates on the rain situation in Pune below:
- On August 8, IMD has declared a yellow alert, predicting heavy to very heavy rain in the district.
- While intense showers are expected in the ghats and moderate rainfall is expected in the plains.
- In addition to Pune, Raigad, Ratnagiri, Satara, Jalgaon, Aurangabad, Jalna, Parbhani, Hingoli and Nanded are also under yellow alert for tomorrow.
- Strong surface winds can be expected to blow.
- In some areas along western Maharashtra, paddy fields are overflowing due to the rains in the dam area and this has caused rising water levels in the rivers.
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