Maharashtra School Holiday: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) announced a yellow alert, predicting extremely heavy rainfall over several districts in Maharashtra. It has been raining heavily in the capital city of Maharashtra, Mumbai, for the past week and the Mumbai Police has instructed people not to go out. People should go out only if there is an urgent need as there is a yellow alert of very heavy rain from the weather department. Some of the districts like Pune, Satara, Raigad, Palghar and more have received red alerts from the India Meteorological Department. Pune Authorities have released a statement highlighting the school holiday on July 25, 2024.
All the schools in Maharastra will remain closed till the next notice. Many schools are expected to shift to the online mode for the coming few days. The extreme rainfall makes it unsafe for the students to step out. It must be noted that a 100 number has also been issued for any emergency. The weather department stated that all the Maharashtra residents need to stay home with all the necessary things for the next two days to minimize risks and ensure public safety during the heavy rainfall.
Also Read: Gujarat School Holiday July 25: Schools Expected to be Closed Aimed Heavy Rainfall Red Alert
Maharashtra School Holiday: District Under Red, Orange and Yellow Alert
The districts that have received a Yellow, Red, or Orange alert from the India Meteorological Department (IMD) are listed on the list provided below:
Districts Under Red Alert
The following districts received the red alert from the weather department:
- Ratnagiri
- Palghar
- Pune (July 25 Holiday Confirmed)
- Satara
- Raigad
Districts Under Orange Alert
Here are the following districts that received the red alert from the weather department:
- Nashik
- Thane
- Kohlapur
Districts Under Yellow Alert
Here are the following districts that received the red alert from the weather department:
- Thane
- Mumbai City
- Palghar
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The Maharashtra School Holiday decision aims to prevent any unwanted incidents and to ensure the safety of students amid the anticipated heavy rainfall. Students will be informed through this website as soon as any new update comes.
Also Check | School Holiday Declared in Maharashtra on July 24 Due to Rain: District Under Red and Orange Alert
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