Rajasthan School Holiday 9 August 2024: As per the recent reports, the Government of Rajasthan has provided a school holiday for the students on August 9, 2024. This holiday has been provided for the students who celebrating the world tribal day all over across Rajasthan. One must note that the Rajasthan School Holiday 9 August 2024 provision is only applicable to students who are studying in any educational institution in Rajasthan. Moreover, one must also note that other government schools, colleges, public banks, and offices may also be closed. On World Tribal Day, various tribal people from all over the western state will celebrate and organize religious and cultural events.
One must note that the Rajasthan School Holiday on 8 August 2024 is official, and the Government of Rajasthan has announced it through an order. Since this is an official order, it is expected that all government offices under the Government of Rajasthan will be closed.
One must note that World Tribal Day is celebrated to support indigenous people present all over the world. It also helps to recognize the contributions of the Indigenous people to the world and help bring awareness through the work of these people to improve global issues like environmental protection.
Looking at the extra Rajasthan School Holiday 8 August 2024, one can notice that there will be 13 holidays in total for everyone in August. Under this, nine days are Saturdays and Sundays, whereas the remaining four are national holidays, which are Independence Day, Rakshabandhan, Janmashtami, and World Tribal Day.
Moreover, one must note that the Government of Rajasthan had previously announced a half-day holiday for the students due to the Teej procession. Since the Teej procession was about to take place in the state capital city, Jaipur, the Rajasthan Government had issued a notification declaring a half-day holiday for all the offices, schools, colleges, and banks in the state of Rajasthan.
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