NMC Guidelines 2023: The medical colleges are required to record the whole NMC examination process on the exam date. Post Graduate Medical Education Board of the National Medical Commission officials have urged the Medical Colleges to conduct the exams based on the NMC Guidelines 2023.
Students must remember that the physical assessment of the medical colleges and institutions will be held after the NMC exam has been conducted. The college can then be analyzed based on the infrastructure, clinical material, investigative material, examination details and other facilities and examination details.
Note that the NMC Guidelines 2023 will be implemented immediately, to evaluate the exams as part of the inspection for recognition. In addition, recognition against increased intake as well as the renewal of recognition of medical programmes will also be according to the guidelines given by NMC.
The authorities have announced the Standard Operating Procedure for medical colleges and institutions to conduct medical exams. Moreover, the NMC guidelines for medical colleges state that there will be no physical or online inspection and the colleges can continue with conducting the exams according to the schedule.
The NMC Guidelines 2023 aim to increase the seats in existing colleges by focusing on the assessment process, application fee, accreditation process, sanctions and penalties, redressal, and appeal procedures.