CAT Exam 2023: With only 3 weeks left for the CAT Exam 2023, the candidates are busy preparing for the exam. The IIM CAT Exam 2023 will be conducted on Nov 26. Candidates wondering about how to Prepare for the VARC Section of the CAT Paper can read further.
Also Read: CAT Admit Card 2023 Download Link to Be Active on Nov 7
CAT Exam 2023: Preparation Tips for the VARC Section
Tips given below will help candidates figure out how to Prepare for the VARC Section of the CAT Paper:
- As part of the CAT Verbal Ability Preparation Tips, most of the questions that will appear to check the candidate’s verbal ability will be of the following types:
- TITA parajumbles
- Odd Sentence
- Paragraph Summary
- Paragraph Completion
- Word Usage
- Grammar and vocabulary based fill in the blanks.
- For the CAT Reading Comprehension Preparation Tips, firstly it is important to have a good reading habit.
- Secondly, Candidates must work on understanding question types - direct or indirect figure out whether it needs speed or understanding respectively.
- Developing right approach to questions is important and can only be done through rigorous practice.
- Speed and Accuracy are two important aspects of answering any question. Candidates must first practise answering accurately and then work on the speed.
- Practise as many full paper mock tests and sectional mock tests as possible.
Following the tips given above and with good practice and approach, the candidates will be able to ace the CAT Exam 2023 VARC section.