ICMAI CMA December 2023 Verification Results Declared at icmai.in
ICMAI CMA December verification results 2023 are given on the official website. Candidates can download them to analyze their performance.

ICMAI CMA December Verification Results 2023: The Institute of Cost Accountants of India has declared the ICMAI CMA December verification results 2023 today, Apr 4, 2024. Therefore, interested students can check out the official website and download the ICMAI CMA December verification results 2023 for their reference.
Also Read: CMA Result Dec 2023 For Inter and Final Exams Announced
How to Download ICMAI CMA December Verification Results 2023?
Candidates must follow the instructions below to download the ICMAI CMA December verification results 2023.
- First, visit the official website of ICMAI. icmai.in
- Once on the homepage, tap on the CMA verification result link.
- After that, enter the required credentials: username and password.
- Next, the ICMAI CMA verification results will be displayed on the candidate's screen.
- Last, save and download the ICMAI CMA December Verification results 2023 for future reference.
Students must remember that the conducting authorities announced the CMA December Inter and Final result 2023 on Feb 21, 2024. Further, the students were provided the opportunity to apply for verification of answer sheets within 30 days after the declaration of the CMA December results 2023. The ICMAI CMA December verification results 2023 have been declared for the candidates who applied for verification in this window.
Students must remember that they have to pay a fee of INR 250 for each paper subjected to verification. Additionally, the candidates were allowed to apply for marks verification in case of any discrepancies in calculating the scores. Any mistake in the marks and omission of the answers in the CMA final exam sheet has been taken care of in the verification process.