IBPS PO Prelims General Category Expected Cutoff 2024: Check Last 5 Year Trends

IBPS PO Prelims General Category Expected Cutoff 2024 provided below. Candidates can check the general category expected cutoff and previous five year trends here.

Bhavika Gaur

Updated on -Oct 20, 2024 | 11:32 AM IST

IBPS PO Prelims General Category Expected Cutoff 2024: Check Last 5 Year Trends
IBPS PO Prelims General Category Expected Cutoff 2024 (Image Credits: pexels.com).

Bhavika Gaur

Content Writer, GETMYUNI

Bhavika Gaur is a news writer at GetMyUni who puts herself in the shoes of her readers and
offers well-researched and relevant content. As a news content writer, she is committed to
maintaining the highest standards of accuracy, impartiality, and fairness in her work. She is
currently pursuing a master's degree in journalism and mass communication.
Aside from content creation, Bhavika Gaur is a news anchor. She is also interested in the
changing world of digital media and staying ahead of the trend.

You can reach out to her at bhavika.sharma@getmyuni.com